Stephen CrabbExplore the latest public opinion about Stephen Crabb
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Every year, the Earth loses about 18 million acres of forests, which is equal to the size of Panama. Such significant changes in the environment affect not only humans but countless animals species have to leave their natural habitats and seek home somewhere else. No doubt, our common task today is to stop the destruction of our planet by any means possible. And a Brazilian couple, Sebastião and Lélia Salgado, have proven that anyone can make an impact and turn deforestation on its head.
We at Bright Side found out exactly how this dedicated couple managed to achieve such great results and turn a piece of desolate landscape into a wildlife paradise. Read More...
Notably, some of the public is less likely to frequent theaters under some new policies, such as requiring all moviegoers and employees to wear face masks: 36 percent said they’d be less likely to go to the movies in that case.
However, half of millennials and 44 percent of adults said enforcing mask wearing would make them more likely to return to the movies.
Castel said that it will be “prudent” to continue to wear masks in public places. Read More...